Awards and Accomplishments
Earns her last Master Hunter pass
and is a Master Hunter in August 2020 at VRC.
Earns her Senior Hunter title and
another Master pass at the NDRC HT in Sept. 2017.
Earns her first Master pass and a
Senior pass at WCMRC HT in August 2017.
Earns a Senior pass at Hennepin HT
in August 2017.
Earns a Senior pass at Southern MN
HT in May 2017.
Earns a Senior pass at Rice Creek
HT in May 2017.
Earns WCX title at GRCA National
Specialty in Wilmington, OH.
Earns a JAM in the Qualifying at the Golden Retriever
Club of America National Specialty in Wilmington, OH.
Earns a JAM in the Derby at the MFTA Field Trial.
It was her third Derby.
2013 GRCA National Specialty Puppy JAM at 4 1/2